A TikTok video of a white man making racist remarks towards a Mexican family after berating the father's work on a house has gone viral on social media.
The family's daughter, Cecilia Ortiz who goes by @ceciliaortiz340, shared the racist encounter on TikTok, where the video has amassed more than 1.5 million views.
"My dad is very hardworking man and I've seen how exhausted my dad come home," Ortiz wrote in the video's text overlay. "No one should never be treated like this!"
'Go Back to Your Country Where You Belong'

In the video, the white man, identified as Brandon Leonard, is seen standing beside a pickup truck with the driver's side door open. Ortiz wrote in a video caption that he had hidden a gun in the truck and was urging her father to come closer. The incident took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Leonard can be heard saying "Come on, come on," encouraging Ortiz's father to come closer. Ortiz's father said he didn't do anything.
"That's why the house ain't done because you don't do nothing," the white man said, pointing towards what is presumably a house off-camera.
Leonard is then heard telling the family, "You should go back to your country where you belong."
'You're Just Minions'
"You don't belong either to this country either," the mother snaps back. "It's not your country."
"I was born here," Leonard replies.
"Yeah, but your dad and your grandpa is immigrants, too, so that's not your country," Ortiz's father retorts.
"You're just minions," Leonard says before the video runs out.
According to Leonard's now-deleted Facebook profile, he is listed as a Builder/Contractor for Kitchen and Bath Design at One Eighty Designs in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
After the video went viral, businesses with similar names were inundated with negative reviews, phone calls, and even death threats. Meg Osborne Pense, the owner of 180 Kitchen and Bath Design Group in Jenks, Oklahoma, took to Facebook to distance itself from Leonard.
"To all of the THOUSANDS of you that are actively trying to trash our LEGITIMATE business. We have NEVER had any association with the @BrandonLeonard individual you are referring to. HIS business is One Eighty Designs LLC out of Sand Springs, OK," Pense wrote.
"We have filed criminal charges against the individuals that have sent death threats to us and our kids. I can assure you that we would NEVER allow such an individual to represent this company. Do YOUR RESEARCH before you start attacking and slandering THE WRONG BUSINESS!"
Two other businesses put out similar statements:
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