The White Lives Matter rally, which was scheduled to take place across America flopped, as hardly any protesters showed up at the site.
Those who were present were confronted by counter-protestors and heated arguments erupted from both the sides with police personals diffused the tense situation.
The lackluster event was documented by livestreams, photos and videos posted by attendees on Twitter and Instagram and both the sides were seen yelling profanities against each other and the rally died down by evening and the police cleared the streets.

However, an Asian man walked up to the rally members confronting them by asking, "I want to understand why do you hate me" and a person with Nazi tattoos on his arms went on a verbal tirade against the Asian man yelling "get the f**k out of my way mother f***er" and landed a punch on his face before being stopped by the police.
The Asian man and the white man were kept at opposite sides of each other by an Asian-American policeman working for the LAPD. The Asian man went on a tirade against the Asian policeman for protecting the man who had just punched him in broad daylight and displayed his name and badge number on his Instagram handle.
After the scuffle was disrupted, police arrested the white man putting him in handcuffs and also arrested the Asian man who was assaulted. The Asian-American man remained clueless on why is he being arrested for being punched in the face.
The WLM rally which took place at the Huntington Beach southeast of Los Angeles, California saw less 100 people in attendance to show their displeasure at the "anti-white" bias in the media but were met with around 200 protestors from the Black Lives Matter and Asian-American community.
Also, the police declared ''unlawful assembly'' around the area of Fifth Street and Walnut Avenue at 3 PM, "In order to disperse an unruly crowd," police said and encouraged people from both sides of the spectrum to wear face masks.
In the days leading up to the rally, Huntington Beach police and Orange County sheriff's officials had said they would deploy additional forces to keep attendees from turning violent and prevented further damage from taking place.