As disgusting as it sounds, a rude truck driver pulled over his white van with other two men seated behind and spat on a woman who was with her 3-year-old daughter without any provocation and went on a verbal tirade against the woman's plus size weight while the other two men in the truck laughed hysterically at his unruly antics.
The horrific incident happened when Leanne, 30, went for a stroll down the park during the evening with her little daughter who was busy gazing at the moon and the starry skies in Wallasey, UK. To their shock, a white van with two men seated behind appeared out of nowhere and pulled over close to the mum-daughter duo and the man in the drivers seat spat on Leanne's face and began verbally abusing her poking fun at her weight.

The rude truck driver did not even spare her 3-year-old daughter and referred her in abusive language calling her an "ugly f****** crotch monster." Leanne revealed that her daughter who is innocent didn't know what was happening and began smiling at the man waving him 'hi's and bye's'. ''My daughter was thankfully unfazed, because she is still young, so she was waving hi and bye to them, and that really broke my heart the most,'' Leanne told the Liverpool Echo.
Talking to the publication, the mum of the little child spoke about the horrific incident saying: "We were just minding our own business, looking up at the moon and sky, when this white van stopped right next to us and yelled obscenities and then spat at us. I think they were just opportunists because I am a big girl, they just saw that and thought it would be a funny opportunity.''

Thankfully, Leanne said none of the spit landed on her daughter as she managed to pull her aside in the nick of time and was out of danger. "It just missed my daughter when I grabbed her by the hood to move quickly. They were three fully grown men in a white work van. It took me by surprise. It literally felt like it was over in a second, it was just so weird and random that I just stood there and was like, 'oh my god did that really just happen?"
Right after the incident, Leanne went to the nearby police station and lodged a complaint against the men who harassed her and her daughter and the police are now on the lookout for suspects and a statement from Merseyside police station appealed residents to contact them if they've got information on the suspects. ''Anyone with information can DM @MerPolCC or @CrimestoppersUK on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 21000166065,'' it read.