One of the most common and the most useful gifts these days is an iTunes gift card. And it is hundred times better than buying something random for a tech enthusiast.

So, if you are one of those people that have received these gift cards, you should know how to properly spend. Don't just go on buying random apps, which you won't even use after a month or so. Rather go for the apps which are really cool and practical.
If you are not for apps you can purchase movies, music and TV shows but if you are interested in the apps, then here are 5 very constructive iOS apps for you to consider.
Dark Sky:

Not only does the app feature a clean and beautiful interface, the information it presents is insanely accurate. Best feature of this app is that, you can be alerted via notifications when the adverse weather will arrive.There's also support for viewing extended forecasts, as well as detailed radar images. Last but certainly not least, Dark Sky offers a very useful watchOS app and complication.
Dark Sky is $3.99 on the App Store.
Duet Display:

One of the more powerful iOS apps in terms of technological capabilities is Duet Display. This app allows you to use your iPad as a secondary display by simply connecting to your Mac via Lightning.
Duet Display costs $19.99 on the App Store.
GoodNotes 4:

This app is not only one of the best in iOS apps but the most powerful note taking apps available anywhere, especially when paired with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. The app offers support for creating multiple notebooks, indexing your handwriting for improved search capabilities, and pressure sensitivity.
GoodNotes 4 is available on iOS for $7.99 and macOS for $7.99.
Day One Journal:

Day One Journal has long been the most popular iOS apps and if you haven't purchased it yet now is the time. Day One allows you to keep a daily journal, offering location support, 3D Touch, support for multiple images and much more. You can also lock Day One with Touch ID, export notes, and use an accompanying watchOS app.
Day One Journal is a bit pricey at $29.99, but it's totally worth it.
Fantastical 2:

This is byfar the best calendar app on iOS and Apple Watch. Fantastical features a simple and easy to use interface, reminders, background app updating and much more. You can import from other calendar services, sync between your various devices and do much more with this app.
Fantastical 2 is available for just $2.99 on iOS and $49.99 on macOS.