Textbooks Were Wrong as Scientists Discover a New Layer Within Earth

Earlier, scientists believed that Earth has just four layers, but a new study suggests that the blue planet could have five layers.

Until now, students all across the globe have been studying that Earth has four layers. Geologists classify Earth like an onion, where the crust forms the upper layer, followed by mantle, the thickest layer which makes up to 67 percent of the planet's mass. Then, there is a liquid outer core comprising iron and nickel, and finally, there is an inner core made up of iron-nickel alloy.

New Study Finds Earth has Five Layers

And now, a new study has suggested that Earth's inner core is not a single layer, but it comprises two distinct layers. The study carried out by researchers at Australian National University made this conclusion after analyzing thousands of models of Earth's inner core. The ultimate aim of this study was to determine the time taken by seismic waves to travel through the planet.

layers of earth

During the study, researchers found that slower seismic waves changed at a 54-degree angle and faster waves ran parallel to the Earth's rotational axis when it reached the earth's inner core. In the study report published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, researchers noted that this change in the angle of slower seismic waves could be the indication of a fifth possible layer in the earth's inner core.

"We found evidence that may indicate a change in the structure of iron, which suggests perhaps two separate cooling events in Earth's history. The details of this big event are still a bit of a mystery, but we've added another piece of the puzzle when it comes to our knowledge of the Earths' inner core," said Joanne Stephenson, lead author of this study.

Discovery of Massive Alien Structures

A few months back, another study conducted by a team of researchers had discovered massive alien structures beneath the surface of Earth. Scientists discovered these structures below 2900 kilometers from Earth's surface, and they were located near the boundary of molten core and solid mantle. Discoveries like these are considered very vital by scientists as it could help to develop a newly updated map of the earth's interiors.