Solomon Henderson: Nashville School Shooter's Manifesto Reveals He Was Inspired by Hitler and Candace Owens Who Was 'Self-Loathing Incel'

Moments before Henderson carried out the attack, he shared ominous messages about his intentions, saying, "Today is a good day to die."

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The Nashville school shooter reportedly claimed that his distorted beliefs were inspired by Candace Owens before carrying out a deadly attack on two classmates and turning the gun on himself. Solomon Henderson, 17, fatally shot Josselin Corea Escalante, 16 and injured another student before turning the gun on himself during the carnage at Antioch High School.

The tragic events, which took place in the school cafeteria, began around 11 a.m. on Wednesday and were partially streamed online. Authorities are now investigating a detailed manifesto believed to have been written by Henderson, offering a glimpse into the shooter's deeply troubled state of mind that led him plan and execute the attack.

Obsessed with Nazi Principles

Solomon Henderson
Solomon Henderson, whose manifesto revaeles taht he was insipired by Hitler, seen doing a Nazi salute X

A major portion of the manifesto reportedly focuses on Henderson's feelings of being "ashamed to be Black" and includes disturbing admiration for Hitler and the Nazi regime. In a section titled, "Is there a particular groups or people that radicalized you the most?", the manifesto reportedly mentions political commentator Candace Owens and far-right influencer Nick Fuentes.

"Candace Owens has influenced me above all each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over the Jewish question," the manifesto reads.

Solomon Henderson
Solomon Henderson X

Owens, a conservative commentator, has faced accusations of downplaying the Holocaust and was once denied a visa to Australia due to her controversial remarks about Muslims, Jews, and her alleged tendency to incite division.

Moments before Henderson carried out the attack, he shared ominous messages about his intentions, saying, "Today is a good day to die."

"I thought someone had found out when I got called to the office but it was just probation officer," Henderson wrote on his BlueSky account. "We're good everything will be going scheduled."

Josselin Corea Escalante
Josselin Corea Escalante X

His last writings were dated November 18, the same day the Metro Nashville Police Department received a report of a school shooting at Antioch High School. However, authorities later confirmed the incident was a hoax, according to News Channel 5.

"I was so miserable. I wanted to kill myself. I just couldn't take anymore. I am a worthless subhuman, a living, breathing disgrace," the 17-year-old Henderson allegedly wrote.

"All my [in real life] friends outgrew me, act like they didn't f***ing know me. Becoming me was so f***ing humiliating. That's why I spend all day dissociating."

A major portion of the document, reportedly tied to a social media account associated with Henderson, focuses on his struggles with race and racial identity.

Photos have also emerged showing the teenager performing a Nazi salute.

Dark Plan Executed

The manifesto also includes his reflections on Antioch High School, located near Nashville, which has a predominantly Black and Hispanic student population. "It's impossible for you to actually think. You say things because other people have said it before, then go repeat ad nauseum somewhere else.

Josselin Corea Escalante
Josselin Corea Escalante Facebook

"In school, we're taught to wake up early, shut up, sit for long periods of hours, do tasks you hate, then repeat."

ADL representative Carla Hill told The New York Post on Wednesday night what might have been going on in Henderson's mind before he carried out the attack. "What happens on the incel forums ... is that people of color are told the only reason they're incels is because of their color and so it pushes them toward other extreme ideology that he apparently took on," Hill said.

"He picked up antisemitism, he posted a lot of anti-black content because of that ... internalized racism," said Hill, who is senior director of investigative research at the organization.

Henderson allegedly included links to other manifestos, as well as a guide on how to carry out a mass killing, with targets ranked by their perceived vulnerability. He also shared images of a handgun, a lockpicking kit, and ammunition intended for the firearm he planned to use in the shooting.

Solomon Henderson
Solomon Henderson Facebook

On Wednesday, the teen arrived at the school via bus, entered a bathroom, and is believed to have retrieved a weapon.

Around 11 a.m., wearing a hoodie, he "confronted" 16-year-old Josselin Corea Escalante and fired several shots with a pistol before turning the gun on himself.

The teen livestreamed the shooting and had posted on his X page that he had saved enough money to buy a GoPro camera, but struggled to explain the need for it to his parents, preventing him from making the purchase, according to Raw Story.