Crypto influencer Matt Wallace has been on an offensive against meme-currencies such SafeMoon and Shiba Inu, while he's all out heaping praise on Dogecoin and Elon Musk on social media.
Wallace took to his Twitter handle which has close to 240,000 followers and tweeted just two words "SafeMoon sucks" in what seems to be an apparent attack against the coin.

What led Wallace to spew venom against SafeMoon is not known as the YouTuber did not specify or give out any reasoning or details on why he feels the crypto is not up to the mark.
Wallace' attack on SafeMoon comes days after he took on Shiba Inu, tweeting that he sold all his SHIB coins and invested them in Doge.
The eToro commercial which announced its listing of Shiba Inu, was too provocative against Dogecoin he claimed to be the reason to sell his holdings, and also called SHIB investors "annoying" and went ahead saying that he would make it his personal mission to "crash" the coin.
His followers called out on his arrogance and hatred against certain coins and slammed him for being a puppet to Elon Musk's favourite Dogecoin, stating that he's drunk with power and can't see the floor beneath his feet.
"I used to like your energy you brought to the crypto space when you first started but now you just shit on every coin you don't own. I don't even own SafeMoon but why can't you just focus on the coins you like rather then shit on others?" tweeted a user in response to his SafeMoon attack.
Several other users reminded Wallace to be cautious and mindful of his statements as many people have invested their life savings in both SafeMoon and Shiba Inu and his sharp words can destroy their financial stability and future.
Many others commented that he's become too toxic and full of hatred and urged everyone else to unfollow him on Twitter and unsubscribe his channel on YouTube, which has close to 247,000 subscribers.
Also, just a few days ago, SafeMoon influencer Ben Phillips tweeted wishing death to a whale who sold 2.4 trillion coins making the crypto slump 28% in the days trade as he called the whale to be ''hit by a bus''.
SafeMoon investors demanded the developers to sack Ben Phillips from the team saying his inflammatory statements will only hurt the coins prospects in the long run. However, the developers have not responded to their demands yet.
SafeMoon at the time of publishing was trading at $0.00000214 and down -0.4% in the days trade while Shiba Inu was trading at $0.00000626 and is up +1.78% in the days indices.