As the Russian invasion neared its sixth day, reports of Russia targeting the crowded civilian areas in Ukraine emerged on Tuesday. According to reports, at least 8 people died in the Russian strike on a housing block in Kharkiv. Some local reports also claimed that the Russian shelling hit the tank school in Kharkiv and detonated the available ammunition. The information, however, was not verified. Kyiv's main television tower was targeted in a missile strike in which, five people were reportedly killed and five others injured.
On the other hand, airstrikes damaged at least 10 civilian homes in Zhytomyr, three of which are said to have caught fire, according to the Ukraine Now Telegram channel. People are suspected to be buried in the rubble of the damaged buildings, while two are reported to have been killed and three injured.
Meanwhile, the second round of talks between Russia and Ukraine are set to take place on Wednesday after the first round of negotiations yielded no significant results. The second round of talks will be held on the Poland-Belarus border.

'How can you Do That?'
A Ukrainian policeman's entire family was killed by Russian soldiers on the first day of the invasion on Thursday, according to local reports. Oleg Fedko, 30, was out on patrol duty when his wife, his six-year-old daughter, and six-week-old baby son along with their grandparents were gunned down by Russian soldiers when they opened fire on two cars on a road near Novaya Kakhovka in the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson, north of Crimea.

Oleg's wife, Irina, 27, their kids, Sofia Fedko, 6, and her six-week-old brother, Ivan along with their grandparents, both aged 56 lost their lives in the attack, DailyMail reported.
Oleg's brother Denis Fedko said he was on the call with his mother when the family was being massacred. "I was talking to my mother. I kept hearing my mother yelling that there were children [in the car] and 'How can you [do that]?'" he said.

Attack is Faltering
A senior US Defense official hinted on Tuesday that the Russian advancement seemed to be faltering at the moment given the Ukrainian the firm push back by the Ukrainians. "We generally sense that the Russian military movement... the overarching movement on Kyiv, is stalled at this point," he said.