An unidentified flying object was spotted hovering in West Yorkshire, England sparking UFO sighting rumours. The suspected UFO was captured by a man on his camera while attempting to photograph a rainbow.
Terry Fox, a retired HGV driver, was at The Station pub in Castleford, when he spotted the unusual object with glowing lights above the train station through the window. The 66-year-old told The Sun: "When I first looked at it I thought it could look real – it definitely looks like it could be a UFO. I couldn't really believe it myself. I posted it on Facebook and said 'it is a UFO – aliens have come'. You never know."
"I was quite surprised the photo got such a big reaction on social media. It was the talk of the town, people were asking what it could be," he added.
"I have an open mind about life in open space and believe there could be life out there – I guess we will find out soon enough. Scientists always say you have to have water, oxygen and foot for there to be life but there could be something else, different forms of existence which don't need all those things," Fox continued.
Fox, who is originally from Newcastle, was enjoying a drink with partner Liz Batty, when the sighting was made. He said: "We popped into The Station for a drink after doing some shopping. I took a couple of photographs of the rainbow and then took this one, it was raining a lot in the pictures. Some people have said it is a UFO but others said they thought it looked unreal."
"I thought I could show it to scientists and say 'I have taken a picture of this' and see what they say. The exact angle I took it from meant it really could pose as a UFO. But it could also be the reflection of the pub light because I was taking it through the window. I can't be sure as I haven't been back to the pub since to have a proper look," the father-of-three said.