Police arrested a teacher in Perry, Florida for sending sex messages to a student and making plans to sneak him into her home when her husband was out. Point of Grace Christian School's teacher Julie Hoover, 38, has been arrested and charged with authority figures soliciting or engaging in sex with a student.
Officials revealed that she had been sexting an 18-year-old student from March to April.

Hoover Has Been Released On A $15,000 bond
The student's mother told police that Hoover was planning to have her son come over to her house while her husband was out of the way at work. Hoover was released on Thursday on a $15,000 bond. The student was enrolled in more than one of Hoover's classes, according to Daily Mail.
Hoover Has Been Teaching Math Since 2018
Hoover's LinkedIn page claims that she has been teaching Math in the school for the past four years. But her other social media handles are now blocked.
The school, which had merely 20 students in graduating class, claims that its mission is to train youth in the highest principles of moral character, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship. POGC stands without apology for high standards of morality and wisdom, according to the school's website.
Sherrif's Office Was Contacted on June 2
Sherrif's office was contacted on June 2 by the student's mother after she found problematic messages between Hoover and the student, who was enrolled in more than one class where Hoover was the teacher.
The school claims that it wants to provide an education that gives children the spiritual wisdom they need to grow and become strong Christians. "Finally, we seek to prepare the children year after year for the world ahead of them and give them the confidence to know that the Grace of God is upon them for the rest of their lives and through His blessings, all of their goals can be accomplished," the school claims in its mission.