Index of sciences Ltd publishing company : what to expect & if it's worth it

Index of sciences

Index of Sciences is an independent publishing company based in London, United Kingdom, presently involved in the publishing of journals, articles, and books related to science and engineering. With a promising start in 2019, the Company has successfully completed more than 3000 publications.

The publications include a range of topics in science, engineering, and research work in various disciplines such as Pharmacological And Biochemical Studies, Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic considerations, Organic & Organometallic Chemistry, Navigating Systems & Positioning, Neuroscience and Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, to name a few. To know more about the publications by Index of Sciences, please visit Index of Sciences - Publications.

Index of Sciences also provides guidance and tips to improve your health and find balance in your life. The Company's new website provides countless articles related to various aspects of health and healthy lifestyle, intended for health care researchers & patients who are searching for quality health-care content. These articles provide a lot of information about health care education, common health conditions,and practical healthy living tips. Also, the website updates the latest research news and health care content, thus intending to give resources and support to anyone who wants to know more about these topics.

The new site features a modern, mobile-optimized design and improved digital experience for visitors. It complements the Company's brand vision and mission, and showcases its services reflecting the value as a high-quality health care educational program.

The Company's knowledgeable repository of health content is developed by Ph.D. scholars and industry experts including experienced doctors, therapists, writers, and social workers, and vetted by board-certified physicians. The Company's aims to provide a trusted source of information for scientific research or any scientific topic and also provides knowledge and information that helps you make the best decisions for your health.

The experienced Writing Team of the Company ensures that the content is high-quality, up-to-date, and all-inclusive.The quality of the written content is currently ensured through blind peer review by certified health-care professionals and with a quick review process. The Review Team as well as the Fact-Checkers ensure quality and accurate content in all publications. This quality control process followed by the Company provides the best journalistic and subject matter expertise ensuring high-quality content in its knowledge repository.

In 2019, Index of Sciences launched open access journals in all science and engineering fields. Due to the increase in the number of researchers and also the submissions, it generally takes much time for the completion of the article reviews for each researcher. Index of Sciences resolves this issue by reducing the article review time for researchers. When a researcher submits an article or manuscript, the quick review process offered by the Company completes the article reviewing process in a shorter duration (roughly less than 3 months). The Company also makes the review comments visible to the public, thus being more transparent in the open access world. Index of Sciences offers 100% transparency in its peer reviews and also offers zero publication fee currently.

Index of Sciences is currently in the growing stage; the Company will be acquiring board-certified physicians to review the scientific content to ensure high quality in all publications.