Gboard for Android has introduced a new feature called "Emoji Kitchen" that allows users to mash-up different emoji then use them as stickers while messaging.
"Using Gboard on your Android phone, tap on any smiley emoji and Emoji Kitchen will reveal a number of stickers specially handcrafted by the designers at Google. So when you tap the face with a cowboy hat emoji -- YEEHAW now you have monkey cowboy, ghost cowboy, laughing cowboy, kissy cowboy, in love cowboy, pleading cowboy and of course pensive cowboy," the company said in a statement on Wednesday.
Gboard for Android

The stickers will work across apps, including Gmail, Messages by Google, Messenger, Snapchat, Telegram, WhatsApp and others. "Emoji have been around long enough that people want to play with them like we do with words-mashing them together, turning nouns into verbs, breaking them apart to create entirely new concepts," the company added. The emoji sticker pack features 40 emoji combinations built by developer Maxence Guegnolle.