Gianna Floyd, the 6-year-old daughter of George Floyd, breathed a sigh of relief after her father's murderer was found guilty and convicted of all charges. Following Chauvin's guilty verdict for murdering Floyd, President Joe Biden told reporters that he spoke with Floyd's younger daughter Gianna on a phone call. "She said to me, and I'll never forget it, 'Daddy changed the world,'" Biden said, adding, ''I told her this afternoon, 'Daddy did change the world'.''
Joe Biden also called the verdict a ''step forward'' in a televised speech and also recalled meeting Gianna in person saying ''how brave she was'' and continued saying her father is ''looking down on you, he's so proud.''

Who is Gianna Floyd?
George Floyd, a wonderful father, was blessed with five beautiful children, including two daughters, aged six and 22, who currently live in Houston, Texas and a grown son who lives in Bryan, Texas.
Gianna is Floyd's youngest daughter and told Good Morning America in May last year that she misses her father too much and he was such a joyful person.

Gianna always described her father as a fun loving person who played with her always and his absence has caused an unfillable void in her life and said, ''I wanted everybody to know that this is what those officers took from me.''
Also, Roxie Washington, mother of Gianna, said on the show that George would put his daughter on his shoulders and play with her all day long having the best time of his life.
''He would put her on his shoulders. She didn't have to play with nobody else because Daddy was gonna play all day long. That was his baby, he loved his little girl,'' she said with tears.
Social Media Users Rejoice In The Verdict
As people were glued to their television screens during the verdict, people took to Twitter immediately after Derek Chauvin was found guilty of all charges and rejoiced that justice is being served.
However, several users pointed out the fact that racial injustice and police brutality are still prevalent in the country and must only ramp up the heat against pointless aggression against the black community and minorities who face discrimination on a daily basis.