Follow these Coronavirus prevention measures properly to safeguard yourself from COVID-19 [VIDEO]

  • Twenty seconds of scrubbing and wearing the masks can be a strong preventive measure, but should be adhered to properly

  • Seto Hong's video has been informational for the people on how to wear the mask

  • Several experts believe that washing the hands is a much more important step to prevent the disease

The new coronavirus or COVID-19 has harvested fear in the public and with the rising number of infections and deaths in the world, people have continuously talked about preventive care. Two preventive mechanisms that people have been discussing are the surgical masks and washing hands. Even after weeks of videos and awareness posts, people are not completely aware of how to safeguard themselves from the COVID-19.

The infectious disease specialist and co-director of WHOCC had made an elaborate video to educate the public on various steps to wear a mask and even the reasons why every step matters. The short video contained all the essential discussions about surgical masks. According to Seto, infection control can work alright if practised perfectly. But apparently masks aren't just enough.

Experts suggest that the people use the surgical masks to prevent any airborne bacteria and virus particles, which can hopefully keep the disease at bay. With the fear of building across the world, the important question arises whether the people are washing their hands correctly and are they wearing the masks properly.

Maybe you are not following prevention measures properly

Flu (Representational picture) Pixabay

There are a few steps that one is supposed to follow while using a surgical mask and while washing your hands. Every time before wearing a mask it is mandatory to wash your hands. Sometimes there are bacteria and other viruses present in the hands that can enter the body while the hands are dirty. The Center for Disease Control in the US has released a step by step alert on how to wash the hands properly.

The first step is to wet the hands with clean running water then, turn the tap off and take some soap to lather the hands. The soap has to be rubbed into the nooks and crevices of the hand. It is important to get the backs of your hands, in between your fingers and under your nails.

The important part is that the scrubbing should happen for twenty seconds at least. One can count the 'Mississipis' before rinsing off the soap from the hand. The soap lifts the germs from your hands, so make sure the running water cleans it off the hands properly. After the rinse, dry the hands using a clean towel or air-dry. It is important to dry the hands because wet hands pose a higher risk of transferring viruses.

Hand sanitizers are a substitute but are not as effective as soap and water rinse. But, keeping a sanitizer handy is a good option during several situations. Don't forget to sneeze into the crook of your elbow instead of your hands, because that region has lesser chances of getting in contact with other people.

How to wear a mask as Seto advises

The steps to wearing a surgical mask are simple. Understand that the blue or the green side of the mask should be outside because it is the waterproof side. Seto, in his video, explained that the white part acts as the absorbent when you breathe or cough.

Wear the mask and ensure that there is a thick band on one side, which should be adjusted on your nose while wearing. Seto said that the lower end of the mask should be lowered to your chin while wearing the mask. It should be disposed of immediately after use because of the probability of it containing viruses and germs are high. There is a pro-tip here, always dispose of such materials into a closed bin, to prevent the spread to other people.

When should we wash hands

According to the CDC's advice, there are certain times when you should definitely wash the hands. These stages are mandatory to prevent the disease but also because these are the times when your hands can carry the germs.

Before, during, and after preparing food, before eating food and before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhoea. The hands should be washed specifically before and after treating a cut or wound. The new COVID-19 can spread through the faeces as well. So, it is advisable to wash the hands after using the toilet, after changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet.

Related topics : Coronavirus