The owners and heirs of the Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum, Tonino and Ferruccio Jr, have announced the first NFT Drop in Lamborghini history in collaboration with Elysium Bridge, to exclusively sell the rarest pieces from their private collection.
Owning a Lamborghini car is a dream for many, a reality for some, but only a handful of people will soon be able to get something even more prestigious:
A piece of the history of one of the most iconic brands in the world of supercars.
The NFTs to be announced represent priceless artworks otherwise held at the Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum, making this event the only chance to own these unique pieces and admire them in every minute detail.
In fact, the methodology used to digitize these true relics of the Lamborghini brand has never before been used in the history of NFT:
It is a special photographic technique called Light Painting, thanks to which the Lamborghini Museum's "Memorabilia" have been immortalised by photographer Paulo Renftle in their original colours with extreme fidelity and resolution and thus... made eternal in all the splendor of their details.
This is precisely the idea that guides the vision of the founders of Elysium Bridge, the event's sponsor:
"To make priceless works of art live forever in the digital world".
This NFT event has everything it needs to become one of the most exciting events in the history of NFTs.
Additionally, Enrico Branchetti and Patrick Jusic, co-founders of Elysium Bridge announced that:
"The event will be a real journey of discovery of the unique pieces at auction, revealing historical backgrounds and details that have never been made public and until now have only been known by the Lamborghini family itself".
In addition, six internationally renowned artists (not yet announced) will take part with their digital artworks created for the occasion.
You can find more information on their website (elysiumbridge) by viewing a trailer announcing this exclusive event. You can also register for the Waitlist - the only way to participate on the day of the auction.
So... #WhenLambo? We'll find out soon!