The Seoul Central District Court has passed its final verdict in Jung Ilhoon's marijuana usage case on Thursday, 10 June. It has sentenced him to four years in prison and a fine of 133 million won (approximately $119,000 USD) for purchasing and using the illegal drugs.

Harmful Impact on Individuals and Society
The court noted that the drug-related crime will have a harmful impact not only on the people who use it but also on society and called it a sophisticated crime that utilises the dark web for communications and cryptocurrency for transactions.
Before passing the verdict, the 22nd Criminal Division of the Seoul Central District Court took note of the number of times the former BTOB member and two others have consumed the drugs. And passed the aforementioned sentence for violating the Narcotic Control Act.
Ilhoon Purchased Drugs 161 Times
However, the prosecution on 5 May had demanded four years in prison for purchasing and using marijuana 161 times between 2016 and 2019.
Netizens were outraged over this demand by the prosecution as sexual harassment cases often get lesser punishment than drugs-related crime in South Korea.
Apparently, he was not involved in the distribution of the drugs in anyways. Thus, he was given lesser punishment.
"Ilhoon did not participate in commercial activities such as selling and distributing the drug. Further, he is a first offender and is reflecting on his mistakes with a sincere heart. These are some of the things that we took into account, when reaching a final decision," Allkpop is quoted as saying by the court.
Ilhoon was indicted for violating Narcotics Control Act in December 2020 after police confirmed about the same through testimonies from his accomplices. His bank account details also provided sufficient proof of illegal purchase.