US Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has once again committed the blunder of counting the terrorists in while condoling the death of 9/11 attack victims. For the second consecutive year, Jayapal mentioned 19 Al-Qaeda hijackers in the total death toll during the attacks. She was trolled on social media for repeating the mistake and was even called a sympathizer of the "terrorists" by a faction of the social media followers.
According to, the official figure of the people who lost their lives in 9/11 attacks is 2,977. However, Jayapal added 19 terrorists to the figure and mentioned the number as 2,996. These attacks were the deadliest attack on American soil which were carried out in New York City and Washington DC and caused extensive death and destruction.
A report published by New York Post referred to Jayapal's post that reads: "Today we remember the 2,996 people who were killed on 9/11 and all those who lost their lives while serving our country in the forever wars that followed."

Jayapal Labelled "Anti-American", "Headless", "Incompetent" and "Insensitive"
The social media has labelled Jayapal as a "headless", "insensitive", "inconsiderate" and "anti-American". Some of the people even called her "incompetent" demanding that she should just give up on her political ambitions and resign.
The fact that the tweet shared by Jayapal had the exact same wording as the one she had posted in 2021 has further infuriated her detractors. Though she went ahead and deleted the post still she is being called an embarrassment to the state of Washington.
It is also being said that this is not a mistake on the part of Jayapal as she repeatedly grieves over the death of the Al-Qaeda terrorists who were responsible for the deaths of innocent people.
A Twitter user shared his opinion adding, "Dem Rep. Jayapal slammed for 9/11 tweets counting terrorists in death toll. It's too bad she can't be fired like other people in the private sector would be or even brought up on charges of treason. Why is she even in the USA?"
Another user while replying to @RepDonaldsPress stated, "Sir where is the outrage from the republican party or any patriot for what Rep. Pramila Jayapal has done now for the second time or multiple times and she shows Amish to the killers of 9/11."