Chris De'Elia, the actor and comedian best known for playing the role of Henderson in the Netflix series 'You,' and Kenny on ABC's 'The Good Doctor,' is facing allegations of sexual misconduct after his conversations with underage girls were leaked on social media.

Grooming Underage Girls
On Tuesday, a Twitter user named Simone Rossi tweeted a series of screenshots of what appears to be an email conversation between herself and the 40-year-old actor. The conversation, which took place in 2014 when Rossi was 16 years old, shows D'Elia requesting "a pic" from Rossi. In another screenshot, he tells her he's in Tempe, Arizona, and asks if she wanted to "hang" and if they could "make out."
A Twitter sleuth has since dug up an old tweet of D'Elia's which shows that he was in Arizona during the exact time that he would have been talking to Rossi, per her screenshots. Rossi was studying at Arizona State University at the time.
In a follow-up tweet, she wrote that the stand-up comedian "twice her age" was "grooming" her for a sexual interaction and that the only reason she and D'Elia did not get involved at the time is because she had a boyfriend her own age.
"For the longest time I thought it was embarrassing for ME that I was interacting with this older man but he was the one who DM'd me on twitter and was the one who was twice my age and was the one that used the power imbalance between us to his advantage so f*ck Chris D'elia," she noted.
Rossi added that she wasn't the only underage girl that D'Elia has attempted to hook up with before expressing her disbelief over the "irony" that Netflix cast him as a "pedophile" in the second season of "You."
Others Come Forward with Similar Allegations
Rossi's Twitter posts have since set off a chain reaction with dozens of other women coming forward with alleged interactions with D'Elia over the years.
A few hours after Rossi tweeted her story about D'Elia, the Twitter account SheRatesDogs started a Twitter thread of alleged accusations against D'Elia, all of which are from anonymous senders. The account started the thread by tweeting, "This is crazy because I've literally had this sent to me about Chris D'Elia as well."
Other users have since tweeted about their own experiences with D'Elia outside of the SheRatesDog thread. One user tweeted, "although i've been publicly saying it for years, F--K Chris D'elia. he solicited nudes off of me when I was 17 years old and constantly messaged me whenever he was touring vancouver and asked me to come backstage to his shows."
A female comedian named Emma Arnold tweeted: "When I was a brand new comic, one of Delia's best friends warned me to never send Chris nudes bc [because] he made them into memes and showed to other male comics at shows. Looks like some of those memes were probably of underage girls. No wonder I don't miss comedy yet."
Another user tweeted a thread about an "uncomfortable" series of interactions she had with D'Elia at various comedy shows and the presence of her husband didn't seem to deter him. "I think if I didn't have someone in my life who I was about to marry it could have taken a much different turn."
The screenshot not only has D'Elia's photo and account information but also shows a verified check mark next to his name, which platforms like Twitter use to confirm the legitimacy of public figures.