A female high school teacher is facing criminal charges for allegedly having sex with a student in Georgia. Chasity Cheyenne Knight, 25, from Uvalda, was arrested on August 27. On August 19, law enforcement contacted the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to help with a potential case of sexual abuse involving a teacher and students in the Toombs County School District.
The investigation uncovered that Knight had allegedly engaged in a sexual relationship with a student in January while she was still employed as a teacher. The age and gender of the victim have not been revealed. It is also unclear how many times Knight engaged in sex with the student.
Teacher Or Sexual Predator

Knight has been charged with one count of Improper Sexual Contact by an Employee, Agent, or Foster Parent.
According to the meeting agenda, the school district officially accepted Knight's resignation from Toombs County High School on April 11.
Knight holds a license to teach agricultural education in Georgia.
Assistant Superintendent Tabatha Nobles told the Daily Mail, " 'The Toombs County School System has recently been notified by law enforcement of an investigation into an allegation that we had no prior knowledge of relating to a former employee being involved in an inappropriate relationship with a student.
"The Toombs County School System will continue to fully cooperate with law enforcement throughout this investigation."
In Georgia, the penalties for Knight's charges can differ based on the severity, but for first-degree offenses, those convicted can face anywhere from one to 25 years in prison, along with a fine of up to $100,000.
Teachers Turning Sex Addicts

This comes just months after a former high school teacher admitted to having up to thirty sex encounters with students, including one during a field trip to Washington, DC, and was sentenced to 13 years in jail.
Heather Hare, 33, taught family and consumer science at Little Rock, Arkansas's Bryant High School. The student and she had a relationship from August 2021 to April 2022.
It was found by investigators that Hare had slept with the student in her house, car, and even in class. At the time, the student was a senior. When they first met, she was tasked with providing him with one-on-one counseling.
At one point the teen was told by the teacher that she had fantasies about them having sex at her house, where she lived with her husband and small daughter.
The two's communication on Snapchat and Instagram helped to develop their friendship. They had sex in April 2022 while visiting the country's capital as part of a school trip. Hare was arrested on allegations of first-degree sexual assault precisely a year later.