The Microsoft co-founder and the world-famous billionaire Bill gates recently talked to Fox News regarding the Coronavirus pandemic and have given a timeline for its ending.
Gates, who is also known for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has been talking about the COVID-19 global crisis in recent months, said that the world will become semi-normal by the summer of 2021 but the pandemic would end much later.
During the Fox News program Gates said, in the best-case scenario, the pandemic will end probably in 2022. "But during 2021, the numbers, we should be able to drive them down, if we take the global approach," he said.
"So, you know, thank goodness vaccine technology was there, that the funding came up, that the companies put their best people on it. That's why I'm optimistic this won't last indefinitely," he added.

The US Did a Poor Job
According to Gates, in terms of US' response to the Coronavirus pandemic, "we did a very poor job, and you could of see that in the numbers if you compare the Asian countries like South Korea and Australia."
The lack of testing has been an issue in the US and it is still present today. He said, "We created a rush. And we didn't have the ability to test or quarantine those people, so that seeded the disease here. Even today, people don't get their results in 24 hours, which is outrageous that we still have that."
The saddest part is on September 21, the US hit the milestone of 200,000 death cases due to Coronavirus infection. But many people are still not taking the experts' advice seriously, such as wearing masks, avoiding crowded areas with out face covering, and social distancing. Rather people are thinking that by wearing masks they are making a political stand.
Coronavirus Wave
There are many scientists and experts who have recently made similar claims about the end of this pandemic. On Sunday, September 27, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, UK, Mark Woolhouse has warned about the high possibility of the third wave of the pandemic, if a COVID-19 vaccine is not developed within time.
He also said that lockdown measures will not be effective to curb the virus spread so it is a government's job to find out an alternative to stop the infection rate and referred to the moonshot program on mass testing. According to him, alternative ways are now the best hopes to control the Coronavirus situation.
Recently the World Health Organization (WHO) said the global COVID-19 death toll could double to two million before the world gets access to an effective vaccine. The UN agency also added that the number could be higher without joint action to control the health crisis that has already affected almost 33 million people globally.