Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates received brickbats on social media after he warned about an Omicron wave hitting every country in coming months. Gates also disclosed that he has cancelled most of his holiday plans in wake of the new variant.
Bill Gates and his foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are frequently involved in one or the other controversies. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, several conspiracy theorists have linked Gates with its origin.

'Look Out For Each Other, Observe Precautions'
Sounding alarm bells on his Twitter account, Gates revealed that few of his close friends have been struck with the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
"Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic. Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I've cancelled most of my holiday plans," Gates tweeted.
Noting that Omicron "will soon be in every country in the world," the billionaire said that it is still not known how the Omicron variant impacts the human body. "The big unknown is how sick omicron makes you. We need to take it seriously until we know more about it. Even if it's only half as severe as delta, it will be the worst surge we have seen so far because it's so infectious," read the thread.
Pushing the importance of booster shot of Covid-19 vaccine, gates said that it gives the best protection. "There will be more breakthrough cases in people who are vaccinated, which sounds concerning but is purely a factor of how many people are vaccinated and how fast this variant is spreading. Vaccines are designed to prevent people from getting seriously ill or dying and are doing well," he wrote adding that if there is a new wave due to Omicron then it could last nearly 3 months.
Netizens Slam Gates For Sounding Alarm on Omicron
Gates tweets did not go well with several social media users who slammed him for creating fear regarding the variant.
"Even as the designer of Covid-19 pandemic and vaccination Bill Gates has purportedly cancelled his "holiday" vacation because of mild Omicron, we that believe and know the Reason for the Season will celebrate Jesus Christ, the very essence of Christmas. Omicron can't stop us QED," tweeted a user.
"Exactly... Bill Gates has already warned of a omicron driven lockdown... Sounds very fishy... WFH will bring more money to IT companies," wrote another.
"Bill Gates says he's canceled his holiday plans due to Omicron, but he believes the wave will be over by March). We need mask up again. By March, the newly developed vaccine specifically targeting Omicron should be ready," opined a user.
I don't give a crap that depopulation advocate #1 Bill Gates has "canceled his holiday plans". (Willing to bet he HASN'T). I'm not canceling mine. So he, Omicron, Fauci and Biden can all go eat a Christmas dick!
— DeenieeeeeHB (@deehb71) December 22, 2021