Singapore's Agri-Food Veterinary Authority (AVA) said on Saturday that eggs in the country are safe for consumption. This latest statement comes amid a scandal that claims that millions of eggs have been pulled from supermarket shelves across Europe and dozens of poultry farms closed due to fipronil.
The news of the discovery of fipronil was made public on Aug 1. Reportedly, this has the capability to harm human health.
According to reports, the contamination has spread to 15 EU countries, Switzerland and Hong Kong. "With the ongoing tainted eggs issue in Europe, there may be concerns on the safety of eggs sold in Singapore. Singapore does not import eggs from the affected countries in Europe," AVA said in a Facebook post.
"Our egg supply comes from local and Malaysian hen egg farms. We regularly inspect and conduct sampling of the eggs and hen farms to ensure compliance with our food safety and animal health standards and requirements," the post added.
"In view of the recent issue of fipronil contamination, we have tested locally produced and imported eggs, and found them free from fipronil."