A helpless white man was beaten unconscious by a mob of violent Black Lives Matter protesters for helping a transwoman who was earlier robbed and attacked by them. The victim, identified as Adam Haner, was driving a 4x4 truck, which crashed after he tried to escape from the attackers.
The videos of the attack have gone viral on the social media. Haner's older brother Brian Haner has started a Go Fund Me account for him. Stating that Haner was still alive and has returned home, his brother urged people to contribute as he won't be able to stay long for him in Portland.

Haner knocked Unconscious by BLM Protester
In the videos circulating on the social media sites, Haner, dressed in a blue T-shirt, is seen sitting in the middle of the road with a couple of BLM protesters surrounding him. In the incident which took place at 10.30 pm on Sunday, Haner's white truck is seen crashed on the sidewalk nearby.
"I ain't tryna hurt no one," Haner is seen repeatedly telling the mob surrounding him. "What the f–k is you talkin' about n—er!" a man, wearing a vest with "SECURITY" written over it, is heard telling the victim as he goes on hitting Haner repeatedly on the face. The attacker, identified as Marquise "Keese" Love, then moves out briefly only to come back and hit Haner on the forehead with a kick, leaving him unconscious with a bleeding skull on the road.
In yet another clip, a couple of people are seen approaching the unconscious Haner as they try to move him and call the medical services.
Haner Was Trying to Help Transwoman Under Attack by BLM Protesters
In a series of clips uploaded earlier on the microblogging site, the victim was seen helping a white trans woman who was robbed by a group of BLM protesters, which also included Marquise.
The transwoman, whose skateboard and backpack were snatched away by miscreants before being beaten up, is seen sitting on the sidewalk begging for her backpack. "I am not fighting back to be returned," she is heard saying as Haner is seen consoling her and asking the people to return her bag.
As the crowd went violent, Haner chose to sit in his truck and escape from the enraged BLM protesters. A white woman, who comes out in support of Haner, is also beaten by the protesters. In one of the clips, Haner is seen racing out in his white truck, which crashes soon after.
Who is Marquise Keese Love?
Soon after the attack, Love wrote that he might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all he did was fight him. "Look it up on twitter put money on my books and come see me," he wrote.

Love was previously charged with fourth degree assault and harassment in a 2017 domestic violence case booked at Washington County Community Corrections Center in Hillsboro, Oregon.
In its report, The Gateway Pundit reported that 4Chan users have identified Love as an outspoken BLM activist, who on his Facebook page has mentioned "It's for me and my son's culture." He describes himself as a ramp agent at Portland International Airport and a DJ in the evenings.

Speaking to The Post Millennial, Co-founder of Scriberr, Kalen D'Almeida, who witnessed the attack, said that multiple violent BLM and Antifa thugs threw fireworks at the man's truck, tried to take his keys while "violently assaulting him for no reason."