Four men were jailed on Friday for assaulting three men outside the Bang Bang club in Raffles Boulevard, Singapore, causing injuries including a broken nose and a lost tooth. On Monday, all of them pleaded guilty to two counts of assault each. But, while sentencing, a third assault charge on each of them were taken into consideration.
R. Ritchie Vanu, 24 and Navin Nigel Vanu, 28, committed the offense on Feb 13, 2016, at around 5.15 am along with student Tan Qin Xiang, 23, and drum instructor Joshua Iype Mathew, 25.
District Judge Tan Jen Tse sentenced Tan to three months and two weeks in jail as he felt that Tan had a higher culpability in the assault cases. Navin Nigel Vanu, who works in an investment company, also pleaded guilty to an unrelated charge of using criminal force on a policeman. He was jailed for three months and four weeks. However, his brother R. Ritchie Vanu and Joshua were sentenced to three months' jail each.
According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Dwayne Lum, Tan had grabbed a woman's hand inside Bang Bang while trying to make an unwanted advance and was slapped by one of her friends, Ng Chen Kai. This resulted in a dispute and both the groups were thrown out of the nightclub.
Tan and his friends again tried to re-enter but they were denied. This made Tan angry, who confronted Ng and punched him in the face. Two of Ng's friends tried to help him, but they were attacked by Tan's group who assaulted them as well. Later, when the attackers spotted a taxi driver walking towards them, they fled the scene.
The three victims were taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital and the doctors found that Goh had a broken nose, while Ong had a missing tooth.
DPP Lum said that the attackers gave their victims $6,741.60 on Jan 16 as compensation for their medical bills.
Meanwhile, Navin Nigel Vanu, was detained by a policeman along with his cousin Kishan Shaun Sathe Thas on Feb 22, 2015 for an alleged fight in Club Street near Chinatown at around 2.50 am. Navin Nigel Vanu, who was highly intoxicated at the time, pushed the officer
The court has released the two siblings and their friends out on bail of $15,000 each. Reports said that they would settle their personal affairs before serving time.
The judge has ordered the offenders to surrender themselves at the State Courts on Feb 2 to begin serving their sentences. If convicted of assault, they can be jailed for up to two years and fined up to $5,000 for each charge.