10-year-old boy discovers 11 dinosaur eggs while playing

Dinosaur eggs
Dinosaur eggs Reuters

Zhang Yangzhe, a 10-year-old schoolboy recently discovered a nest of 11 dinosaur eggs while playing in Heyuan, a Chinese city, popularly known as the home of dinosaurs. After stumbling upon the dinosaur eggs, young Yangzhe instantly remembered the looks of dinosaur eggs he had seen in a museum, and he believed that his discovery could be a precious discovery.

Yangzhe informed about the finding to his mother, and soon she called up the police. Paleontologists also arrived at the scene, and they revealed that these dinosaur eggs date back to the late Cretaceous period, just before the gigantic creatures were wiped out from the surface of the earth due to a doomsday asteroid hit.

Experts who arrived at the scene also revealed that each of these eggs measured nine centimeters in length. The eggs are now being taken to Heyuan Dinosaur Museum, and experts will conduct further studies to determine its type.

Heyuan, a city with a population of three million is widely considered a hotbed of dinosaur fossils. It was in 1996 that paleontologists initially discovered a dinosaur egg from the area. Since then, more than 17,000 dinosaur eggs were unearthed from Heyuan.

In the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum, more than 10,000 dinosaur eggs have been kept safe, and the country boasts that it is the largest of its kind in the world.

In last July, researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered a tiny dinosaur weighing just 300 grams in northeastern China. This little dinosaur also had bat-like wings, and experts revealed that had flown across the skies during the Jurassic period.

A few days back, a team of paleontologists had discovered a gigantic thigh bone of a sauropod in southwestern France. After the discovery, scientists revealed that the bone is more than 140 million years old, and it measured more than two meters in length.