Utah Death toll touches 87 after Hepatitis A outbreak

As Utah reported 87 deaths from Hepatitis A, California and Michigan too have reported an increase in the number of people affected and hospitalized.

Hepatitis A outbreak Utah, California and Michigan Reuters

The deadly liver virus 'Hepatitis A' has already spread its wings throughout the American state Utah, reaching the propotion of an outbreak. Even though there are reports from the health authority about the virus since the beginning of this year, the numbers of the affected individuals have gone up to 87, said Utah's department of health earlier.

According to Newsweek, the health agency stated, "Several cases have been linked by investigation and/or viral sequencing to a national outbreak of hepatitis A involving cases in California and Arizona."

While the reports by California Department of Public Health said more than 600 cases have been filed in San Diego and 21 individuals of them already dead, the reports from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mentioned about 20 deaths due to the deadly liver virus.

Gary Edwards, the executive director of the Salt Lake County Health Department told FOX 13 Salt Lake City, "We've been out working with the homeless population on foot, visiting them wherever they might be in downtown, on the streets, along the Jordan River, trying to find the individuals and encourage them to be vaccinated."

While in Utah the hospitalization rate is almost 60 percent, Michigan and California states have documented higher numbers.

The affected people might experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the abdomen, joints, or muscles areas.
  • Diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting.
  • Fatigue, fever, or loss of appetite.
  • Dark urine, itching, weight loss, or yellow skin and eyes.

Although there is no specific treatment available for hepatitis A, people can still follow few steps to recover from the deadly virus.

  • Take rest.
  • Try to eat snacks instead of having full meals.
  • Positively avoid alcohol and use medication.

People from all over the country have started posting their own views on social media including some developing news which will help people get a view of the situation.
