Can AI Transform Procurement Decisions in E-commerce? This Industry Expert Shares His Insights

Nitish Pandey
Photo from

In e-commerce, the journey of a product, from procurement to liquidation, is intricate. Nitish Pandey, a seasoned product leader, believes that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is crucial in revolutionizing this end-to-end lifecycle. With over 13 years of experience in Product Management and Data Science, he has been at the forefront of launching AI and Machine Learning (ML) applications that have transformed various sectors, including e-commerce. His notable contributions include developing machine learning models to predict product deal quality, creating comprehensive procurement and listing tools, and spearheading AI initiatives to manage and optimize inventory, turning potential losses into revenue streams.

"In the vast expanse of e-commerce, AI isn't just a tool; it's the compass guiding us through uncharted territories," Pandey articulates, emphasizing the transformative potential of AI in every facet of e-commerce.

AI as The Game-Changer in Product Vetting and Procurement

Before a product even reaches the virtual shelves, decisions about its procurement are made. These decisions, traditionally based on human intuition and market trends, are now being augmented by AI. Pandey's extensive experience developing and launching machine learning models exemplifies this shift. These models predict the quality of product deals, ensuring that inventory buyers make informed decisions.

"The beauty of AI," Pandey remarks, "is its ability to distill vast amounts of data into actionable insights. It's like having a seasoned expert assisting inventory buyers at every step, ensuring that customers are presented with the best deals." This data-driven approach ensures that only products with the highest potential are procured.

AI's Comprehensive Approach to Pricing, Quantity, and Listing

Once a product is procured, the subsequent challenges involve determining its price, deciding the quantity to stock, and listing it effectively on the platform. Again, AI plays a pivotal role, particularly tools developed under Pandey's guidance. These AI-powered applications not only streamline the decision-making process but also bring a multitude of functionalities to the table.

"It's about asking the right questions and letting AI provide the answers," Pandey explains. Beyond gauging product viability and determining optimal pricing and quantities, these applications can automatically flag low-quality or fake products, tarnishing customer experience. They can adeptly forecast the listing price and quantity, generate intricate product details for listings, and even generate or enhance the images required for a listing. And the result is a substantial reduction in the time it takes to list a product, trimming the process from days to hours or even minutes. This efficiency ensures that products are listed and positioned for maximum profitability.

Maximization with Liquidation and Inventory Management

In e-commerce, not all products sell as anticipated. Overstocked or returned items often need to be addressed. Major retailers such as Dell, Nike, and Gap are grappling with an excess of unsold merchandise. As of July, the U.S. retail sector held a record $732 billion of inventory, marking a 21% increase from the previous year. This buildup is particularly concerning, occurring when consumer demand for goods wanes.

However, with AI-driven initiatives, these potential losses are transformed into revenue streams. By meticulously scanning unhealthy inventory items, AI identifies potential products ripe for e-commerce platforms. This is especially crucial given the staggering size of the liquidation market, which reached $644 billion in 2020. In 2021, a record 16.6% of all merchandise sold was returned, with online purchases seeing an even higher return rate of 20.8%. Processing these returns can cost up to 66% of the item's original price, emphasizing the importance of efficient inventory management.

"It's about seeing potential where others see waste," Pandey observes. This forward-thinking approach ensures that e-commerce platforms can maximize their inventory's potential, improving cash flow and reducing waste. Brands are currently navigating challenges such as new products, shipping delays, and over-estimating inventory based on past demands. These factors have contributed to the record excess inventory, leading to issues like tracking inventory, increased storage and shipping costs, and order delivery challenges. In this landscape, AI's role in optimizing inventory management becomes beneficial and essential.

The Balancing Act

While AI's transformative potential is undeniable, striking a balance is the key. An anonymous critic and renowned e-commerce academic, notes, "AI's merits are undeniable, but it's a double-edged sword. Predictive analytics, tethered to the data it consumes, can sometimes falter in our rapidly evolving market."

Pandey acknowledges this perspective, adding, "AI offers unparalleled insights, but it's the human touch, the intuition, that refines these insights into actionable strategies." This balanced approach ensures that AI complements rather than replaces human judgment.

The Symphony of AI and E-commerce

"We're at a transformative crossroads," Pandey reflects. "A juncture where AI's algorithms and human insights converge, propelling e-commerce to unparalleled zeniths. From vetting products to liquidation, AI promises to revolutionize the end-to-end lifecycle of a product."

As e-commerce continues its meteoric ascent, Nitish Pandey's insights and leadership in AI paint a promising picture for the future, where new technology enhances and optimizes every aspect of e-commerce, from procurement to liquidation.

Related topics : Artificial intelligence